








English version:
1. Fluid dynamics of thin plates: The researches cover various aspects of interactions between thin plates and fluids, including the wake instabilities, flow revolutions, fluid-structure interactions, flow control, etc. We mainly focus on the physics; however, numerical and experimental techniques are sometimes developed for the problem solving purpose.
2. Ocean renewable devices: The research includes the offshore floating wind turbine. We mainly focus on the new concepts, energy harvesting principle, dynamic behaviors, model test, etc.
3. Ocean fluid robots: Developing unmanned systems based on fluid mechanics principles, such as wave gliders, for ocean exploration and research needs. We mainly focus on the design and control aspects of these systems.



[1] 2021.1-2024.12, 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目《大型海洋平台浮托安装系统非线性耦合动力响应预报与海上作业支持》,项目编号U20A20328,负责人。

[2] 2020.7-2023.6, 上海交通大学首届深蓝计划重点项目《基于能量综合优化和智能控制的高速波浪滑翔机研制》,负责人。

[3] 2019.11-2021.10,三亚崖州湾科技城管理局深海科技先导创新项目《波浪动力滑翔机关键技术研究》,负责人。

[4] 2020.1-2022.12,上海交通大学重点前瞻布局基金《超深水海流能发电机》,负责人。

[5] 2019.10-2021.12,海南省重大科技计划项目子课题《数字孪体技术研究及数字化陆基集控 中心建设》,负责人

[6] 2019.7-2022.6,上海市自然科学基金《三维振荡水翼流场特性和流动控制机理研究》,项目编号,19ZR1426300,负责人。

[7] 2017.1-2021.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目《中近海域大型海上浮式风机耦合动力学与稳定性机理研究》,项目编号11632011,核心成员(第二负责人)。

[8] 2017.1-2020.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目《新型单点系泊浮式潮流能装置耦合动力性能研究》,项目编号51679137,核心成员。

[9] 2016.1-2018.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金《波流环境中垂荡板水动力特性及其对浮式平台运动性能影响研究》,项目编号51509152,项目负责人。

[10] 2015.1-2015.12,海洋工程国家重点实验室自主研究课题《浮子式波浪能吸收装置控制分析与模型设计》,项目编号GKZD010065,项目负责人。

[11] 2015.1-2017.12,上海市科委青年科技英才扬帆计划项目《柱体结构物周围波浪爬升机理实验研究》,项目编号15YF1406100,项目负责人。

[12] 2014.1-2014.12,海洋工程国家重点实验室自主研究课题《深海浮式平台综合监测系统研发》,项目编号GKZD010063-19,项目负责人。

[13] 2013.1-2013.12,海洋工程国家重点实验室自主研究课题《海洋平台实测及远程监控系统研发》,项目编号GKZD010061-4,项目负责人。

[14] 2014.7-2016.12,上海交通大学青年教师科研起步基金《刚性平板的流体动力特性研究》,项目编号14X100040069,项目负责人。


[1] 2020.9-2020.12, 漂浮式海上风电平台模型试验,大连船舶重工集团有限公司,项目负责人

[2] 2019.6-2019.12, 新型深水半潜式辅助工程装备水池试验,中集海洋工程公司,项目负责人

[3] 2019.1-2019.6, KT项目波浪监测仪系统研发,上海打捞局,项目负责人

[4] 2018.8-2018.10, NASR-SP项目现场运动和环境条件监测,中远海特,项目负责人

[5] 2017.4-2017.5, 马来西亚BRN浮托安装实测项目,中远海特,项目负责人。

[6] 2016.10-2017.3, 马来西亚BGD浮托安装实测项目,中远海特,技术总负责及现场负责人。

[7] 2016.11-2017.6, LNG船对船旁靠作业系泊与定量风险评估研究, 中国船级社武汉规范研究所, 项目负责人。

[8] 2016.11-2017.6, 清洁推进系统技术规范研究, 中国船级社武汉规范研究所, 项目负责人。

[9] 2016.12-2017.4, 柔性管构件的波浪能装置水槽模型试验, 中国船舶科学研究中心上海分部,项目负责人。

[10] 2015.9, 多立柱FDPSO水动力模型试验, 项目负责人

[11] 2015.10-2015.11, Wave basin test for a floating drilling platform with a mooring buoy, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, 技术负责人。

[12] 2015.5, 半潜式钻井平台水动力试验, 中海油研究总院, 技术负责人。

[13] 2014.9-2014.10, 新型干式半潜式生产平台水动力性能模型试验, 中海油研究总院,技术负责人。

[14] 2014.8, 陆丰7-2浮托安装实测项目, 海油工程股份有限公司, 技术和现场负责人。

[15] 2014.6-2015.12, 港珠澳大桥沉管沉放过程数值模拟, 港珠澳大桥建设工程部, 技术负责人。

[16] 2014.5, 惠州25-8DPP浮托安装实测项目, 海油工程股份有限公司, 技术和现场负责人。

[17] 2014.4, 自升式平台码头系泊模型试验, 外高桥造船厂, 技术负责人。

[18] 2013.9-2013.10, Wave basin test of Helix Q-7000 well intervention semisubmersible, Helix Energy Solutions Group, 技术负责人。

[19] 2013.7-2013.8, Seakeeping model test of Songa Delta Semi-submersible drilling unit, Bassoe technology AB, 技术负责人。

[20] 2013.7-2013.8,Seakeeping model test of Songa Dee Semi-submersible drilling unit, Bassoe technology AB, 技术负责人。

[21] 2013.7-2013.8, Seakeeping model test of Songa Trym Semi-submersible drilling unit, Bassoe technology AB, 技术负责人。

[22] 2013.2, Model tests of wave loads on monotower, Statoil, 技术负责人。


[1]     Gao S., Pan S., Wang H., Tian X.* Shape deformation and drag variation of a coupled rigid-flexible system in a flowing soap film. Physical Review Letters, 125(2020) 034502. (封面论文,入选编辑推荐)

[2]     Tian X., Xiao, L., Zhang, X., Yang, J.*, Tao, L. and Yang, D. Flow around an oscillating circular disk at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 812 (2017), pp. 1119–1145.

[3]     Gao S., Tao L., Tian X.*, Yang J.  Flow around an inclined circular disk. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 851 (2018), pp. 687-714.

[4]     Zhao Y., Gao S., Zhang X., Guo X., Li X., Tian X.* Direct numerical simulations on the flow past a thin square plate. Physics of Fluids, 33(2021)034128.

[5]     田新亮*. “软尾减阻”述评. 上海交通大学学报, 2021(55):213-214.




[1]     Zhao Y., Gao S., Zhang X., Guo X., Li X., Tian X.* Direct numerical simulations on the flow past a thin square plate. Physics of Fluids, 33(2021)034128.

[2]     Gao S., Pan S., Wang H., Tian X.* Shape deformation and drag variation of a coupled rigid-flexible system in a flowing soap film. Physical Review Letters, 125(2020) 034502. 

[3]     Wu X., Zhang X., Tian X.*, Li X., Lu W. A review on fluid dynamics of flapping foils. Ocean Engineering, 195 (2020) 106712 .

[4]     Gao S., Tao L., Tian X.*, Yang J.  Flow around an inclined circular disk. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 851 (2018), pp. 687-714.

[5]     Tian X., Xiao, L., Zhang, X., Yang, J.*, Tao, L. and Yang, D. Flow around an oscillating circular disk at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 812 (2017), pp. 1119–1145.

[6]     Tian X., Hu Z., Lu H.*, Yang J. Direct numerical simulations on the flow past an inclined circular disk. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 72(2017), pp. 152-168.

[7]     Tian X.*, Ong M.C., Yang J., Myrhaug D. Large-eddy simulation of the flow normal to a flat plate including corner effects at a high Reynolds number. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 49(2014), pp.149-169.

[8]     Tian X., Tao L., Li X.* and Yang J. Hydrodynamic coefficients of oscillating flat plates at 0.15≤KC≤3.15. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 22 (2017), pp.101-113.

[9]     Tian X.*, Ong M.C., Yang J., Myrhaug D. Large-eddy simulations of flow normal to a circular disk at Re = 150000. Computers and Fluids, 140 (2016), pp.422-434.

[10]  Tian X.*, Ong M.C., Yang J. and Myrhaug D. Unsteady RANS simulations of flow around rectangular cylinders with different aspect ratios. Ocean Engineering, 58(2013), pp.208-216.

[11]  Yang J., Tian X.*, and Li X. Hydrodynamic characteristics of a circular disk under steady in-plane current conditions. Ocean Engineering, 75(2014), pp.53-63.

[12]  Tian X.*, Yang J., Li X. and Shen Y. Effects of Reynolds number on the hydrodynamic characteristics of heave damping plate. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 17(2013), pp.1392-1402.

[13]  Jiang Z., Xie B., Cui W., Du Q., Tian X. A study on the heave performance and loads of the critical connections of a novel dry tree semisubmersible concept using numerical and experimental methods. Ocean Engineering, 124(2016), pp.42-53.



[14]  Jiang Z., Wen B., Chen G., Xiao L., Li J., Peng Z., Tian X.* Feasibility studies of a novel spar-type floating wind turbine for moderate water depths: Hydrodynamic perspective with model test. Ocean Engineering (in press 2021)

[15]  Song Y., Guo X., Wang H., Tian X., Wei H., Zhang X.* Performance analysis of an adaptive bistable point absorber wave energy converter under white noise wave excitation. IEEE transactions on Sustainable Energy 12(2021) pp.1090-1099

[16]  Wen B., Li Z., Jiang Z., Peng Z., Dong X., Tian X.* Experimental Study on the Tower Loading Characteristics of a Floating Wind Turbine Based on Wave Basin Model Tests   Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 207(2020)104390

[17]  Wen B., Li Z., Jiang Z., Tian X., Dong X., Peng Z. Blade Loading Performance of a Floating Wind Turbine in Wave Basin Model Tests. Ocean Engineering 199(2020)107061

[18]  Wen B., Tian X., Zhang Q., Dong X., Peng Z.*, Zhang W., Wei K. Monitoring Blade loads for a floating wind turbine in wave basin model tests using fiber bragg grating sensors: a feasibility study. Marine Structures 71 (2020) 102729

[19]  Xiong H., Yang J., Tian X.* An experimental study on the inline wave force on a truncated vertical cylinder. Ships and Offshore Structures 15(2020), pp. 39-52.

[20]  Wen B., Tian X., Dong X., Li Z., Peng Z.*, Zhang W., Wei K. Design approaches of performance-scaled rotor for wave basin model tests of floating wind turbines. Renewable Energy 148 (2020) 573-584

[21]  Zhang X., Tian X., Xiao L., Li X., Lu W.* Mechanism and sensitivity for broadband energy harvesting of an adaptive bistable point absorber wave energy converter. Energy 188 (2019), pp.115984.

[22]  Tian X., Xiao J., Liu H., Wen B., Peng Z.* A novel dynamics analysis method for Spar-type floating offshore wind turbine. China Ocean Engineering 34(2020), pp. 99-109.

[23]  Wen B., Tian X., Zhang Q., Dong X.*, Peng Z., Zhang W., Wei K. Wind shear effect induced by the platform pitch motion of an offshore floating wind turbine. Renewable Energy 135(2019), pp. 1186-1199.

[24]  Wen B., Tian X., Dong X.*, Peng Z., Zhang W., Wei K. A numerical study on the angle of attack to the blade of a horizontal-axis offshore floating wind turbine under static and dynamic yawed conditions. Energy 168 (2019), pp. 1138-1156.

[25]  Wen B., Dong X., Tian X.*, Peng Z., Zhang W., Wei K. The power performance of an offshore floating wind turbine in platform pitching motion. Energy 154(2018), pp. 508-521.

[26]  Wen B., Tian X., Dong X.*, Peng Z., Zhang W. Influences of surge motion on the power and thrust characteristics of an offshore floating wind turbine. Energy 141(2017), pp. 2054-2068. 

[27]  Xiao J., Peng Z., Tian X.*, Yang W. Numerical Simulations on the Dynamic Characteristics of a Shallow-draft Spar-type Floating Wind Turbine. Journal of Ship Mechanics. (in press)

[28]  Wen B., Tian X., Dong X.*, Peng Z., Zhang W. On the power coefficient overshoot of an offshore floating wind turbine in surge oscillations. Wind Energy 21(2018), pp.1076-1091.

[29]  Zhang X.*, Zheng S., Lu D.*, Tian X. Numerical investigation of the dynamic response and power capture performance of a VLFS with a wave energy conversion unit. Engineering Structures 195(2019), pp.62-83.

[30]  Yang W.*, Tian W., Hvalbye O., Peng Z., Wei K., Tian X. Experimental Research for Stabilizing Offshore Floating Wind Turbines. Energies 12 (2019), pp.1-15.

[31]  Zhang X.*, Tian X., Xiao L., Li X., Chen L. Application of an adaptive bistable power capture mechanism to a point absorber wave energy converter. Applied Energy 228(2018), pp.450-467.



[32]  Wang P., Tian X., Liang X., Guo X., Li X., Zhang X.* Development of the control system for a wave driven glider. Ocean Engineering 229(2021)108813

[33]  Wang P., Wang D., Zhang X., Li X., Peng T., Lu H., Tian X.* Numerical and experimental study on the maneuverability of an active propeller control based wave glider. Applied Ocean Research 104 (2020)102369

[34]  Wang D., Wang P., Zhang X., Guo X., Shu Y., Tian X.*An obstacle avoidance strategy for the wave glider based on the improved artificial potential field and collision prediction model. Ocean Engineering 206(2020)107356

[35]  Wang P., Zhang X., Wang D., Guo X., Lu W., Tian X.* A restricted circle based position keeping strategy for the wave glider. Applied Ocean Research 97(2020) 102081

[36]  Wang P., Wang D., Zhang X., Guo X., Li X, Tian X.* Path following control of the wave glider in waves and currents. Ocean Engineering 193 (2019)106578

[37]  Wang P., Tian X.*, Lu W., Hu Z., Luo Y.  Dynamic modeling and simulations of the wave glider. Applied Mathematical Modelling 66 (2019), pp. 77-96.



[38]  Zhang W., Hu Z., Li X.*, Tian X., Wang A., Liu X., Sun H. Development of an experimental system for the twin-lift decommissioning operation. Ocean Engineering (2021, inpress)

[39]  Wang P., Tian X.*, Peng T., Luo Y. A review of the state-of-the-art developments in the field monitoring of offshore structures. Ocean Engineering 147(2018), pp. 148-164.

[40]  Tian X., Wang P., Li X.*, Wu X., Lu W., Wu C., Hu Z., Rong H., Sun H., Wang A., Lin D., Fu S., Zu Y., Cho C., Zhou T., Zhang D., Chen Y. Design and Application of a Monitoring System for the Floatover Installation. Ocean Engineering 150(2018), pp. 194-208.



[41]  Zhang X.*, Tian X., Guo X., Li X., Xiao L. Bottom step enlarging horizontal momentum flux of dam break flow. Ocean Engineering 214(2020) 107729.

[42]  Lu W., Li X., Zhang X., Tian X., Guo X*. Experimental study on the wave run-up and air-gap response of a three-column semi-submersible platform. Ocean Engineering 203(2020)107253

[43]  Wei H., Xiao L.*, Low M.Y., Tian X., Liu M. Effects of bracings and motion coupling on resonance features of semi-submersible platform under irregular wave conditions. Journal of Fluids and Structures 92(2020):102783.

[44]  Deng Y., Tian X.*, Li X. Study on nonlinear characteristics of freak-wave forces with different wave steepness. China Ocean Engineering 33(2019), pp.608-617.

[45]  Lu W., Li J.*, Li X., Tian X., Wu X., Zhang X. Experimental investigation on the statistics of rogue waves. Ocean Engineering 186(2019):106075

[46]  Lu D., Tian X., Lu W., Zhang X.* Combined effects of raft length ratio and structural flexibility on power capture performance of an interconnected-two-raft wave energy converter. Ocean Engineering 177(2019), pp.12-28.

[47]  Liu L., Yang J., Lu H.*, Tian X., Lu W. Numerical simulations on the motion of a heavy sphere in upward Poiseuille flow. Ocean Engineering 172(2019), pp. 245-256.

[48]  Qi K., Zhao Y., Liu L., Gan S., Luo X., Tian X.* Experimental Investigation on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Quay Moored FSRU and LNG Carrier. Journal of Ship Mechanics, (2019, inpress)

[49]  Wei H., Xiao L.*, Tian X., Low Y. Nonlinear coupling and instability of heave, roll and pitch motions of semi-submersibles with bracings. Journal of Fluids and Structures 83 (2018) pp. 171-193.

[50]  Qi Y., Tian X.*, Guo X., Lu H., Liu L. The hydrodynamic performance of a tension leg platform with one-tendon failure. Ships and Offshore Structures 14 (2019), pp. 523-533.

[51]  Liu L., Yang J.*, Lu H., Tian X., Peng T. Effects of degrees of motion freedom on free-fall of a sphere in fluid. China Ocean Engineering 32 (2018), pp.605-613.

[52]  Li X., Deng Y.*, Li L., Tian X., Li J. Motion and dynamic responses of a semisubmersible in freak waves. China Ocean Engineering 31(2017), pp.754-763.

[53]  Wei H., Xiao L.*, Tian X., Feng W. Hybrid model testing using pre-offset and asymmetric truncation design for deepwater semi-submersible with highly compliant mooring system. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 23(2018), pp. 536-556.

[54]  Wei H., Xiao L.*, Tian X., Kou Y. Four-level screening method for multi-variable truncation design of deepwater mooring system. Marine Structures, 51 (2017), pp.40-64.

[55]  Liu M., Xiao L.*, Yang J., Tian X. Parametric study on the vortex-induced motions of semi-submersibles: Effect of rounded ratios of the column and pontoon. Physics of Fluids 29, 055101 (2017).

[56]  Liu L., Yang J., Tian X.*, Lu H., Li C., Yuan H. Experimental investigation on the hydrodynamic performance of a quay moored jackup. Ships and Offshore Structures. 12(2017), pp.679-689.

[57]  Lu W., Yang J.*, Tian X. Fourth Order Split-Step Pseudo-Spectral Method for the Modified Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Ships and Offshore Structures,12(2017) pp.424-432.

[58]  Gao N., Yang J.*, Tian X., Li X. A numerical study on the nonlinear effects in focused wave modelling and forces on a semi-submerged horizontal cylinder. Ships and Offshore Structures. 12(2017), pp. 474-485.

[59]  Wu F., Xiao L.*, Liu M., Tian X. Research on the effects of in-line oscillatory flow on the vortex induced motions of a deep draft semi-submersible in currents. China Ocean Engineering, 31(2017) pp.272-283.

[60]  Deng Y., Yang J.*, Tian X., Li X., Xiao L. An experimental study on deterministic freak waves: Generation, propagation and local energy. Ocean Engineering, 118(2016), pp.83-92.

[61]  Deng Y., Yang J.*, Tian X., Li X. Experimental investigation on rogue waves and their impacts on a vertical cylinder using the Peregrine breather model. Ship and Offshore Structures, 11(2016), pp. 757-765.


[1]     田新亮*. “软尾减阻”述评. 上海交通大学学报, 2021(55):213-214.

[2]  潘松,田新亮*. 基于直立型肥皂膜水洞的典型钝体绕流阻力实验研究.水动力学研究与进展(录用)

[3]     周润婕, 王鹏, 李家炜, 潘雨婷, 张芳园, 田新亮*. 波浪滑翔机弹性水翼性能模型试验研究. 实验室研究与探索,2020(1), pp. 65-68

[4]     王新茹, 陈刚, 肖龙飞, 温斌荣, 田新亮*. 实尺度大型水平轴风机气动特性数值模拟. 中国海洋平台,2019,34(06):31-39.

[5]     盖晓娜, 田新亮*, 刘明月, 杨建民. 半潜式平台运动极短期预报的一种改进ARMA-EMD-SVR组合方法. 船舶力学(录用)

[6]     张琦, 赵亦希, 彭志科, 寇雨丰, 田新亮*. 应用于海洋工程缩比试验的浮式风力发电机模型设计. 实验室研究与探索. 2019, 38(6), pp. 11-15.

[7]     盖晓娜, 杨建民, 田新亮*. 基于小波-SVR模型的的浮体极短期运动预报方法. 舰船科学技术2018,40(21):66-70

[8]     盖晓娜, 田新亮, 杨建民, 寇雨丰. 半潜式平台气隙实船监测与数据分析. 中国造船, 2016, 57(1): 80-90.

[9]     葛洪亮, 李欣, 杨建民, 田新亮. 浮托安装进船过程中护舷碰撞力实测研究. 海洋工程.2016, 34(3), pp.19-27.

[10]  吕元博, 田新亮*, 李欣, 宋春辉. NACA0012摆动水翼水动力特性的二维数值模拟. 中国舰船研究. 2018, 13(2), pp.7-15.

[11]  吴丞昊, 杨建民*, 田新亮, 胡智焕, 彭涛. 深海布放缆不同材料属性下应力波自由传播频率特性影响研究. 海洋工程. 2017, 35(5), pp. 12-22.

[12]  吴凡, 肖龙飞*, 刘明月, 田新亮. 矩形截面半潜式平台浪流耦合作用涡激运动响应二维数值模拟研究. 上海交通大学学报, 2016, 50(3), pp. 460-465. 

[13]  田新亮,杨建民*,吕海宁. 海洋工程水动力学模型试验数据处理程序开发. 实验室研究与探索. 2010, 29(6). 







































[9] 陈启航,近自由液面垂荡板水动力特性大涡模拟研究,2019

[8] 金英帅,三维钝体尾流阴阳模式初探,2019

[7] 陈谦,自适应风速风机设计研究,2018。

[6] 徐士程,振荡圆盘周围流场形态实验研究,2018。

[5] 曾祥帅,船用起重机升沉补偿控制技术研究,2017。

[4] 张泽宇,力在绳索上的时空传播,2016。

[3] 张湘栋,低雷诺数下振荡圆盘周围流动形态研究,2015。

[2] 郑皓辉,垂荡板流体力学特性的大涡模拟研究,2015。

[1] 管磊,平板结构物波浪载荷实验研究,2015。





[3] 王浩、简心语、蔡洤朴、刘子平,波浪滑翔机的通讯和控制研究,第十四期上海交通大学大学生创新实践计划。

[2] 曾庆康、孟昊、袁伟杰、王刚、方昊男,海洋工程模型试验自动抛锚机器人设计,第十三期上海交通大学大学生创新实践计划。

 [1] 孙晨光,半潜平台二阶力的计算研究,2015年上海大学生创新活动计划。





[2] 简心语,2015级。

[1] 张泽宇,2012级。


2019 上海交通大学“青年岗位能手”


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