



办公电话:+86 (21) 3420-8359
传真:+86 (21) 3420-6197

2007年,美国密歇根大学 工学博士(船舶与海洋工程)
2003年,上海交通大学 工学硕士(船舶与海洋工程)
2000年,上海交通大学 工学学士(船舶与海洋工程)
2014年-目前,上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院 教授、博导
2015年-2016年,美国加州大学伯克利分校 访问教授
2007年-2014年,美国SBM, Tecnip, ABS, KBR公司 首席工程师

Research Lab 主页: mhl.sjtu.edu.cn

Nonlinear wave-wave and wave-body interaction

Seakeeping and Maneuvering

Moonpool resonance and sloshing

Vortex induced motion

Associate Editor for Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering

Editorial Board Member for Journal of Ocean Engineering

Technical committee of ITTC

Technical committee of IWWWFB

Host of 38th IWWWFB, Shanghai, 2023

Recent Publications:

(with Hu X.) Experimental studies of the unsteady hydrodynamic loads on a tension-leg platform at high Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluids and Structures 87 (2019): 263-283.


(with Qiu W.) Multi-objective optimization of semi-submersible platforms using particle swam optimization algorithm based on surrogate model. Ocean Engineering 178 (2019): 388-409.


(with Liu S.) Extreme wave crest distribution by direct numerical simulations of long-crested nonlinear wave fields. Applied Ocean Research 86 (2019): 141-153.


(with Xu X.) On wave diffraction of two-dimensional moonpools in a two-layer fluid with finite depth. Ocean Engineering 173 (2019): 571-586.


(with Huang H.) On natural frequencies and modal shapes in two-dimensional asymmetric and symmetric moonpools in finite water depth. Applied Ocean Research 82 (2019): 117-129.


(with Molin B.)  On natural modes in moonpools and gaps in finite depth. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 840 (2018): 530-554.  

Marine Hydrodynamics

Maneuvering, NA341

版权所有 © 2014 上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院 沪交ICP备05053   流量统计